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Chair – Membership


The Chair administer its regular functions related to all matters of Membership of CVS. The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for administering the following operations of the CVS: Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs) in all matters of Membership including eligibility, fees, duties and responsibilities as per Bye Laws, membership status, conduct, conduct in public appearances, use of CVS’s designation, upgrade to higher level etc. The detailed activities include: –
i) Responsible for increasing enrollment and keeping updated database etc.
ii) Interaction and coordination with Chapters for membership-related issues in the chapters.
iii) Make use of forth-coming conferences, newsletters, publications in regard to membership advertisement.
iv) Drive for sponsorship from various Industries and institutes along with the Chair – Conferences.


  • Er. Mukesh Shah (Chair)
  • Dr. H.S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Dr. T. Pyne (Member)
  • Dr. S. M. Khot (Member)


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