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Chair – Standards, Practices, IPR, Patents


The Chair has very important role in administering its regular functions related to Vibration Standards and Best Practices in various applications Represent CVS in all matters of Vibration Standards related to structure, seismic norms, transportation system, high-speed rail-road, consumer industries, rotating machinery etc. Develop and coordinate in information-gathering activities on specific patents, application-specific new norms and be mouth-piece in challenging any acceptable level of vibration that claimed to be a new knowledge on vibration, sensors, signal conditioning etc. The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for encouraging to use right Standards in Vibration fields, develop and keep enriching a database in CVS on standards.
a) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs when asked) in planning and creating in future a recognized body on Vibration Standards. The detailed activities include: –
i) Act as front-line office-bearer along with other Chairs to interact with Standards bodies of Govt, national and international institutes.
ii) Support members, industry and institute, as helping hand in providing various prevailing standards and suggest the adoption of the right ones.
iii) Manage the database of standards and be a mouth-piece of any interaction related to standards.


  • Er. Pola Sreenivasulu (Chair)
  • Dr T. Pyne (Member)
  • Er. Neeraj Bhargava (Member)
  • Dr. H.S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Dr. Chinmaya Kar (Member)


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