This Chair administer its regular functions through a separate Center within CVS as “CVS Institute of Vibration” (CIV – Details available in Appendix C and in appropriate place in CVS website). The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for conducting training, skills development programs, in any areas of Rotary and Structural vibration applications and guiding industry in such activities whenever asked for, in consultation with / approval by the GC:
a) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs) to support industry/ institute. The detailed activities include: –
i) Support Govt and private industries in skills development in much-needed areas of vibration certifications of various levels of professional competency.
ii) Explore and store various related standards.
iii) Assist industries, academic institutions, OEM of equipment (automobile/ Process machinery/ transport etc.), govt and private enterprises.
iv) Become mouth-piece of any vibration related Skills Development, Training, Knowledge Management of the Nation, by enriching Body of Knowledge, Infrastructure (either at industry sites/ research laboratory).
v) Prepare Body of Knowledge (BoK) for CVS Certification programs, develop syllabus and sessions.
vi) Develop a system for getting Accreditation and be owner of CVS programs and also for future joint programs with other Universities and Institutes.
vii) Become source of knowledge base in certification programs of CVS on Vibration.
viii) Support/ become Jury on vibration related specific topics in conferences/ seminar etc.
ix) Extend help to industries and institutes on any vibration related leadership/ Skill development at site.
Coming Soon…