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Chair – Membership


The Chair administer its regular functions related to all matters of Membership of CVS. The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for administering the following operations of the CVS: Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs) in all matters of Membership including eligibility, fees, duties and responsibilities as per Bye Laws, membership status, conduct, conduct in public appearances, use of CVS’s designation, upgrade to higher level etc. The detailed activities include: –
i) Responsible for increasing enrollment and keeping updated database etc.
ii) Interaction and coordination with Chapters for membership-related issues in the chapters.
iii) Make use of forth-coming conferences, newsletters, publications in regard to membership advertisement.
iv) Drive for sponsorship from various Industries and institutes along with the Chair – Conferences.


  • Er. Mukesh Shah (Chair)
  • Dr. H.S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Dr. T. Pyne (Member)
  • Dr. S. M. Khot (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Conference / Symposium, Marketing, Sponsorship, Website


The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for administering the following operations of the CVS after consultation with / approval by the GC:
a) Theis committee serves as the main body (supported by other chairs) in conducting CVS’s Conference, Symposium, seminars and finalize the marketing modalities and the need of sponsorship etc. The detailed activities include: –
i) Selection of Topics, Venue, Logistics Panelists, Guest Speakers, Chief Guest etc.
ii) Paper submission, mode of presentations, duration, time, fees etc.
iii) Advertising and marketing, mode of advertisement/ media
iv) Sponsorship from industry, vibration system suppliers, maintenance and service industry, start-up etc.
b) The creation of jury for selection of papers, awards etc.
c) Be a signatory in the special jury for selection of vibration Experts for felicitation.
d) Responsible for related publications in CVS Newsletter/ International Journals for selected Papers and Conference proceedings separately.
e) Controls, with the Treasurer, the financial transactions of the proceedings.


  • Er. Swaminathan (Chair)
  • Dr. Aparna Dey Ghosh (Member)
  • Er. Mukesh Shah (Member)
  • Dr. S.M. Khot (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Student section


The Chair administer its regular functions related to student’s interest and in close-consultation with Chair – Training Committee. The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for encouraging students to become student members of CVS and to continue as member after completing education. The committee would develop a conducive environment with the Institutes/ Universities to help enrollment of Student Members in CVS.
A) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs when asked) to support students enrolled in various chapters/ college chapters. The detailed activities include: –
i) Support Govt and private institutes in developing lecturers at institutes in much-needed areas of vibration and encourage in the process for certification examination of CVS with various levels of professional competency.
ii) Assist institutes to set-up dynamic laboratory/ vibration laboratory/ sensor development.
iii) Assist academic institutions to take up campus-corporate collaborative programs for enhancing employability.
iv) Become mouth-piece of any student related administrative issues, related Skills Development, Training etc.
v) Prepare modalities of CVS Certification programs, training programs etc.
vi) Act as front-line office-bearer along with Chair – Research and Publications & Chair – Training for all discussions and correspondences in regard to future programs with Universities and Institutes.
vii) Support student-membership drive in CVS-organized conferences as well as other professional conferences / seminar etc.
viii) Extend help in student’s placement, suitable project work, research areas.


  • Er. Neeraj Bhargava (Chair)
  • Dr. Aparna Dey Ghosh (Member)
  • Dr. Matsagar (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Training, Placement, Certification & Accreditation


This Chair administer its regular functions through a separate Center within CVS as “CVS Institute of Vibration” (CIV – Details available in Appendix C and in appropriate place in CVS website). The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for conducting training, skills development programs, in any areas of Rotary and Structural vibration applications and guiding industry in such activities whenever asked for, in consultation with / approval by the GC:
a) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs) to support industry/ institute. The detailed activities include: –
i) Support Govt and private industries in skills development in much-needed areas of vibration certifications of various levels of professional competency.
ii) Explore and store various related standards.
iii) Assist industries, academic institutions, OEM of equipment (automobile/ Process machinery/ transport etc.), govt and private enterprises.
iv) Become mouth-piece of any vibration related Skills Development, Training, Knowledge Management of the Nation, by enriching Body of Knowledge, Infrastructure (either at industry sites/ research laboratory).
v) Prepare Body of Knowledge (BoK) for CVS Certification programs, develop syllabus and sessions.
vi) Develop a system for getting Accreditation and be owner of CVS programs and also for future joint programs with other Universities and Institutes.
vii) Become source of knowledge base in certification programs of CVS on Vibration.
viii) Support/ become Jury on vibration related specific topics in conferences/ seminar etc.
ix) Extend help to industries and institutes on any vibration related leadership/ Skill development at site.


  • Er. Madhusudan Matsagar (Chair)
  • Dr. T. Pyne (Member)
  • Dr. H. S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Dr. Vasant Matsgar (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Research, Publications and Knowledge Management


The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for administering the research, guidance to students/ industry engineers, publications activities (except conference publications but may add value when asked) and maintaining CVS library (physical/ digital platform) in consultation with / approval by the Governing Council:
a) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs ) to explore research works; assist students in vibration-oriented research in institutes/ industry. The detailed activities include: –
i) Identify, interact and sign agreement with prospective institutes/ industry (for any research works, training, services, laboratory set-up etc.)
ii) Explore and Identify the areas of activities and govt grants if any for setting-up laboratory (seismic, seismic sensing, field study and/ or
rotary dynamics laboratory)
iii) Act as front-office in enhancing / enrolling Individual members from Institutes/ Industries.
iv) Keep an eye on expert activities on vibration/ sensing systems in Institute/ Industry (nationally and Globally).
v) Interact with Government organizations to understand the vibration projects, Govt incentives, Govt regulations on vibration-prone industry
static, seismic, rotational applications.
b) Publish regularly CVS Journals on latest topics (fundamentals, applications, Industry integration etc.) and Newsletters.
c) Mouth-piece on management of vibration knowledge (and inter-disciplinary fields)


  • Dr. Vasant Matsagar (Chair)
  • Dr. S.M. Khot (Member)
  • Dr. Aparna Dey Ghosh (Member)
  • Dr. T. Pyne (Member)
  • Dr. Chinmaya Kar (Member)


Coming Soon…


Inauguration ceremony 15th August, 2021

Chair – Standards, Practices, IPR, Patents


The Chair has very important role in administering its regular functions related to Vibration Standards and Best Practices in various applications Represent CVS in all matters of Vibration Standards related to structure, seismic norms, transportation system, high-speed rail-road, consumer industries, rotating machinery etc. Develop and coordinate in information-gathering activities on specific patents, application-specific new norms and be mouth-piece in challenging any acceptable level of vibration that claimed to be a new knowledge on vibration, sensors, signal conditioning etc. The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for encouraging to use right Standards in Vibration fields, develop and keep enriching a database in CVS on standards.
a) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs when asked) in planning and creating in future a recognized body on Vibration Standards. The detailed activities include: –
i) Act as front-line office-bearer along with other Chairs to interact with Standards bodies of Govt, national and international institutes.
ii) Support members, industry and institute, as helping hand in providing various prevailing standards and suggest the adoption of the right ones.
iii) Manage the database of standards and be a mouth-piece of any interaction related to standards.


  • Er. Pola Sreenivasulu (Chair)
  • Dr T. Pyne (Member)
  • Er. Neeraj Bhargava (Member)
  • Dr. H.S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Dr. Chinmaya Kar (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Honors and Awards


The Chair administer its regular functions related to honors, awards and felicitation of experts in the field. Members will meet as and when any Conference or Symposium or Seminar is organized including pre-conference meetings/ correspondences in requesting nominations, assessing nominations and finalizing the list of awardees to be submitted to Executive Board for final approval. The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for administering the following operations of the CVS after consultation with / approval by the GC:
i) Serves as main body (supported by other chairs ) in the entire selection process of honors, awards and felicitation.
ii) Selection of field, theme, topics, panelists, jury etc.
iii) Advertising and marketing, mode of advertisement/ media related to this chair’s functions.
iv) Be a signatory in the special jury for selection of Vibration Experts.


  • Dr. S.M. Khot (Member)
  • Dr. H.S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Dr. V. Matsagar (Member)
  • Dr. Srinivas V. (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Technology, Instrumentation and Predictive Surveillance


The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible to look after the latest development in Technology, Sensing system including Bio-medical, on-line surveillance, Industry 4.0 including vibrational predictive analytics in consultation with / approval by the GC.
a) Theis committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs when asked) to support industry/ institute. The detailed activities include: –
i) Support Govt and private industries in technology development in much needed areas of vibration analysis including support to Chair committee on Training for various levels of professional competency targeting Industry 4.0.
ii) Explore and store various related standards on instrumentation, sensors.
iii) Assist industries, academic institutions, OEM of equipment (on Technology benefits for engineering industry, process industry, govt and other private enterprises).
iv) Become mouth-piece of any signal conditioning, transmission, sensing systems, latest IOT, NL, AI applications and related Skills Development, Training, Knowledge Management, by enriching Body of Knowledge, Infrastructure (either at industry sites/ research laboratory).
v) Supports preparation of Body of Knowledge (BoK) for CVS Certification programs, develop syllabus and sessions (especially Industry 4.0/ digitalization front).
vi) Support Chair -Committee – Training on Accreditation matters of CVS programs and also for future joint programs with other Universities and Institutes.
vii) Become source of knowledge base in certification programs of CVS on Vibration Instrumentation, Sensors, Analytics, Bio-medical sensing.
viii) Support/ become Jury on vibration related technology-specific topics in conferences/ seminar etc.
ix) Extend help to industries and institutes on any vibration related leadership/ Skill development at site.


  • Dr. Chinmaya Kar (Chair)
  • Dr. H. S. Gambhir (Member)
  • Er. Swaminathan (Member)
  • Dr. Arun Jalan (Member)
  • Er. KK Gajpal (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Rotary (services and supports)


The Chair Lead and the committee members are responsible for supporting industry in any areas of rotational applications and guiding industry in such activities whenever asked for, in consultation with / approval by the Governing Council:
a) This committee serves as main body (supported by other chairs ) to support industry/ institute. The detailed activities include: –
i) Support Govt and private industries in solving critical rotary machinery vibration problems.
ii) Explore and store various related standards.
iii) Assist in earth-quake resistant structures to govt, private builders.
laboratory/ industry).
v) Become source of knowledge base in certification programs of CVS on Rotary Vibration.
vi) Support/ Jury on rotary vibration related topics in conferences/ seminar etc.


  • Er. KK Gajpal (Chair)
  • Dr. Chinmaya Kar (Member)
  • Dr. Neeraj Bhargava (Member)
  • Dr. T. Pyne (Member)
  • Er. Madhusudan Matsagar (Member)


Coming Soon…


Chair – Static, Seismic, High-speed Rails, Bridges (services and supports)


Over the time, infrastructural asset is steadily aging and deteriorating, some of them are beyond their design life, or they are being exposed to extreme events. The catastrophic failures in the recent times have emphasized the renewed importance to assess the health of the infrastructure and to take further appropriate and timely measures. Due to shortage of resources to replace them, it is now necessary to extend their design life without exposing public to unnecessary risk or nonviable financial burden. Current management methods rely heavily on visually inspection for signs of defect on the surface of the structure. However, visual inspections have shown that they are not only costly strategy and inadequate for large/complex/sensitive structures, these are not able to provide any pre-warning of failure. In addition, visual inspections are primarily qualitative in nature and with human subjectivity unavoidably introduced in the process. The next level of advanced techniques such as non-destructive evaluation (NDE) though are being adopted by many industries, are particularly applicable when damage location is known a priori. Moreover, NDE methods such as based on dynamic testing techniques, measurements and vibration signatures have proven difficult to scale into a continuous, holistic approach to tracking structural health. This emphasized the urgent need for a paradigm shift from regular schedule based intervention to the need based intervention, which can be achieved through developing and implementing the real-time structural health monitoring technologies.

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) in particular based on vibration measurement and analysis techniques is intended for the continuous, autonomous in-service monitoring of the physical condition of a structure using embedded or attached sensors without/ with a minimum manual intervention, to monitor the structural integrity of any kind of structure (Aircraft, Bridge, Rail, Dam, Tunnel, Various types of industrial machinery/equipment, etc.). SHM includes all monitoring aspects related to damages, loads, conditions, etc., which have direct influence on the performance of the structure. Based on the type of structure, material, functionality, operating & environmental condition, sensitivity, etc., the requirements for health monitoring differ in a wide range. The sources are resulting from excessive loads, material degradation, change in system, unforeseen conditions, etc. An appropriate and effective SHM strategy benefits in indicating timely intervention, significantly reducing the down-time and ensuring the safety of the structure. Further, the reports pertaining to life cycle cost analysis of structures indicate that the proper implementation of SHM can help in achieving cost effectiveness.

Structural health monitoring, assessment and management (as comprehensively encompassed as SHM in a holistic manner) have attracted interdisciplinary research interest all over the world. The capabilities, potential applications and techniques of SHM significantly vary for different kind of problems such global monitoring of massive structures, large area monitoring of larger structure, condition monitoring of rotating machine, and local defect monitoring of sensitive components. The endeavors are focused towards (i) damage diagnostics involving identification, sizing, localization and characterization of damage, and (ii) prognostics which predicts the critically of the damage and assesses the remaining life of the structure. In the last decade and half, there have been an overwhelming interest and effort among engineering and scientific communities across the globe to address this issue by real time detection of damage at their early stage of growth.

Researchers from many different disciplines are developing innovative methods and algorithms, advanced sensors, and implementation strategy etc. With the advancement of computational capabilities and communication technology, similar to the industrial revolution that made production and labor a more efficient process, improvements in machine learning and collection of big data show tremendous potential in developing technologies for online real-time SHM. Aggressive R&D efforts are currently underway across the globe on developing robust SHM technologies. In this context, the CVS is primarily focusing on bringing together the industry-academia-research institutions for imparting and expanding the knowledge for multi-disciplinary sensing, testing, analysis, diagnostic and predictive maintenance technology capabilities from national to global standards. It will help in significantly reduce the imported technologies and inspire for integrated innovation driven indigenization, and efficient utilization of infrastructural services across various industries ushering in faster industrial growth, emphasizing the relevant priories, including SDGs, set by Government of India. To address this demanding need, a Chair on Static, Structure, Seismic, High-speed Rails, Bridges (services and supports) has been established in CVS.

Main Activities:
• Support government and private contractors engaged in bridge and dam construction, high speed rail stability, tunnel stability etc.
• Explore and store various related standards
• Assist in earth-quake resistant structures to government, private builders.
• Become mouth-piece of any seismic issue of the Nation, by enriching Body of Knowledge, Infrastructure (either at sites/ research laboratory/ industry)
• Become source of knowledge base in certification programs of CVS on Structural Vibration.
• Support/ Jury on structural vibration related topics in conferences/ seminar etc.

Road to achieve these Objectives:
• Active role in the vibration aspects in engineering education by improved mentoring, training programmes, academic institute connectivity
• Encouraging young research minds dare to dream to work in challenging areas, incubation centres and start-ups
• Organise multi-disciplinary vibration engineering summits
• Collaborate externally with Academic and Industrial partners
• Significant contribution to the Codal Standards
• Close interaction with line ministries for contributing through multi-institute collaborations


  • Dr. Srinivas V. (Chair)
  • Dr. Vasant Matsagar (Member)
  • Dr. Arun Jalan (Member)
  • Dr. Aparna Dey Ghosh (Member)
  • Er. Pola sreenivasulu (Member)


Coming Soon…
